Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Do I Snowboard?

Why do I snowboard? A question I can answer with such enthusiasm and passion.  In an unusual description, I could relate myself and snowboarding to a relationship, a very positive and successful relationship.  Snowboarding brings the best out of me, is always there for me, and gives me a source to release all my negative emotions or a way to forget all the bad things going on in my life.  It pushes me to be a better person, by making me work hard, be truly dedicated, and also teaches me many life lessons.  Snowboarding has taught me what it takes to overcome obstacles, to never give up, to be brave, and what true strength is.  It has given me a chance to travel this beautiful world and to meet amazing people.  With all being said, what is there not to love about snowboarding?
Many people constantly wonder why I continue snowboarding, even through all the life-threatening injuries I have faced, caused by this sport. I have even wondered the same thing.  In fact, I came very close to quitting.  But I am not a quitter, I am a fighter.  And through all of my injuries, snowboarding has made me that much more of a better person.  It changed my outlook on life, to not take it for granted.  It focused my dedication to the gym, to staying strong and in shape, which is so essential to everyone.  It made me so passionate about healthy eating, and attracted me into going to college in pursue of a dietetics degree.  And finally, it taught me one of the most important lessons in life, to never give up, no matter how hard things get.
So in conclusion,  Snowboarding has made me the person I am today, and I will forever be grateful for that.
I will always love snowboarding!

shout-out to

ALWAYS having a smile on my face when I snowboard. 

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