Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years

Did you know that only about 8% of people actually ACHIEVE their New Years Resolutions. This number is WAY TOO SMALL in my opinion. But why do you think that is??? Think about this for a second. Relate it to your past resolutions. Have you ever not achieved one of your resolutions, I know I have, many many times! Think about what you did to lose track of that resolution.
In my opinion, I think one of the LARGEST reasons people do not achieve their New Years Resolutions, is because their resolutions are WAY to broad! If you set a resolution or goal for yourself that is so general, how can you achieve that successfully.
Resolutions need to be SPECIFIC, they need to be ATTAINABLE, but most importantly, they need to be UNIQUE to YOU! 
So ditch that Resolution of "wanting to lose weight," or "wanting to be happier," or even "wanting to save money."
CHANGE that broad resolution to something like, "I want to workout 5 days a week and not eat fast food anymore (to broaden that weight loss goal).. or "I want to take time to meditate and focus on ME daily so I can become happier" or even "I want to set aside 5 dollars a day to my savings account." 
See how just a simple change of your resolution can make it that much more attainable! 

Do you want to know what my resolution is??

My New Years resolution is to dedicate my life to living a holistic lifestyle by getting back in tune with my yoga practice and workouts, eating organic, clean, natural and healthy, continue to supplement my life with essential oils and no medicine and work to being more happy!

What is your resolution? Don't forget, be specific!