In December of 1996, my brother Alex, at 3 years old, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblast Leukemia (ALL.) He fought a hard battle, but never gave up, and now is 17 1/2 years in remission, living a life of a happy, handsome 21 year old. In 1999, my mom did something to ease her pain and feeling of helplessness. She started the ABGO (Alex Brewer Golf Outing) with help from her family and friends, to raise money for Kids Without Cancer (LRL.) Since the first outing, my family has put on 13 total events, fundraising over $300,000.00 for this amazing cause. Just a week ago, we hosted our final, 13th outing, and went out with a bang! This event is very rewarding to our family, because some day we hope to prevent or find a CURE for other kids and families battling cancer, and we all shared a part in that. A big thank you to everyone for making ABGO such a success through the years and in helping to make a difference in the lives of children battling Cancer.

My cousin Amber from Florida came up for the outing!
Some of my closest friends volunteering to help me work the "Hawaiian" themed hole
Releasing balloons in memory of all those who lost their battle to cancer.
My Mom and my three closest friends.