It's been about a week since I've been back in the states, after being in Australia for 2 weeks! I had such an amazing time in Australia. Unfortunately we were only there to snowboard, therefore I wasn't able to do much site seeing, but from what I did see, I can see why there is so much hype about it. What a beautiful country Australia is!
My coach and teammates Senna, Duncan, Sean and Hyeong Bae (and his translator Jaqusang), along with myself, made the small ISTC crew down under. I unfortunately had some sort of bug (I think the flu) the first day and a half we were there, so that obviously was no fun. But I recovered very quick and was able to take full advantage of being on snow.
We had two competitions within the first couple days of us being there, then we did a training camp after. I placed 7th and 4th in the two competitions. Bummed I wasn't able to get to the podium, but I still was very content with my riding, especially coming off the flu and it being my first day on snow in months!
The training camp went very well too. The weather in the mountains of Australia is known to be very windy and foggy, and that is exactly how it was. With this being said, every training day that we had, had weather like this. One of my goals for this upcoming season is to be able to ride in any conditions, and not to hold back regardless. So personally, I was stoked with the weather. I felt really confident riding when I couldn't see anything in front of me, which was a HUGE accomplishment for me. I also feel that I progressed in my turns and my starts.
I wish this trip was a little bit longer, on and off snow. Note to self, next time I go down under, I have to stay for a couple days to site see!
But overall, this was such an amazing experience, I am so blessed to be able to travel the world and see things that the average person cannot!
One more month and I'm headed west, to Colorado! I cannot wait to move back there! Until then, its serious gym time, and also now that I'm officially a RYT 200 - yoga instructor, I have a lot of classes booked to teach :)
The typical weather day

The one nice day that we had! we did a banked slalom, and had some fun with it!