Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years

Did you know that only about 8% of people actually ACHIEVE their New Years Resolutions. This number is WAY TOO SMALL in my opinion. But why do you think that is??? Think about this for a second. Relate it to your past resolutions. Have you ever not achieved one of your resolutions, I know I have, many many times! Think about what you did to lose track of that resolution.
In my opinion, I think one of the LARGEST reasons people do not achieve their New Years Resolutions, is because their resolutions are WAY to broad! If you set a resolution or goal for yourself that is so general, how can you achieve that successfully.
Resolutions need to be SPECIFIC, they need to be ATTAINABLE, but most importantly, they need to be UNIQUE to YOU! 
So ditch that Resolution of "wanting to lose weight," or "wanting to be happier," or even "wanting to save money."
CHANGE that broad resolution to something like, "I want to workout 5 days a week and not eat fast food anymore (to broaden that weight loss goal).. or "I want to take time to meditate and focus on ME daily so I can become happier" or even "I want to set aside 5 dollars a day to my savings account." 
See how just a simple change of your resolution can make it that much more attainable! 

Do you want to know what my resolution is??

My New Years resolution is to dedicate my life to living a holistic lifestyle by getting back in tune with my yoga practice and workouts, eating organic, clean, natural and healthy, continue to supplement my life with essential oils and no medicine and work to being more happy!

What is your resolution? Don't forget, be specific!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Last Day of College

Today is a BIG day for me, it's my last "day" of college! I'm proud of myself, and I am not afraid to announce that. For those who don't know what I went through to get to this moment, you're about to... I gave up most of my high school life and even skipped a year, to pursue a dream I had from very young, to be an Olympic snowboarder. I was lucky enough to have parents who helped me in all that they could, to live my dream. I moved away from my home in Michigan EVERY winter, to live in a place where I could get the best training possible. I worked my ass off (excuse my French) to get to where I wanted to. I sacrificed a lot of my social life, relationships, and simply a "normal" life. on TOP of living my snowboard dreams, I wanted to get a college degree. My first two years of college were on campus with a few online classes during the winter. After 2 years, I had to choose, med school or snowboarding. I chose snowboarding, and no I don't regret it ONE bit. I didn't completely give up school though, I decided to pursue an ONLINE degree. Then something happened a little under a year ago that changed my life forever. I had yet another concussion that was extremely dangerous to my health. It was from then that I had to give up my dream of snowboarding. I admit, my heart is so broken, but I am pushing forward, I continued taking classes (even though I shouldn't have post concussion) and learned I could graduate this December. SAY WHAT?? I was able to pursue my snowboard career, battle extreme depression, have MANY injuries and still graduate a half semester earlier than I would have if I didn't skip a year of high school?! That's right.. I DID IT! I never gave up, and I never will. Though I don't have snowboarding anymore, I have a beautiful life. I'm soon going to have a college degree, I have a growing business that I am so passionate about, and most of all, i am HAPPY! I still dont know where life is going to take me next, but two more exams stand between me and my future!! So my advice, NEVER GIVE UP, and don't let anyone tell you you can't do something! Set your mind to it, and you can do it!!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

ACE Study

In therapy yesterday, we talked a lot about my past.  When I say my past, I don't necessarily mean my past of 2 years ago, I mean my young childhood.  I was confused at first why she was asking about my childhood, especially at the ages where I couldn't even remember anything. I finally decided to ask her where she was going with this discussion. Thats where the ACE Study came in...
The ACE study stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. This study is one of the largest scientific research studies of its kind.  The focus of this study is to "analyze the relationship between childhood trauma and the risk of physical and mental illness in adulthood." Over decades of this study, researchers were realizing the strong relationship between the level of traumatic stress in childhood and poor physical, mental and behavioral outcomes later in life.
My brother had cancer when he was younger. It was very hard on my family, and even harder on him. He is the strongest person I know, and he has always been my hero.  Now, he is cancer free, 17 years I believe (I could be off a year or two)! Amazing though, right?
Well my therapist began asking me how this effected me.  The good in me responds, oh I was fine, I didn't go through anything compared to what Alex went through.  But she digs deeper and wants me to tell her truthfully, how it effected me.  I was so young, I don't remember much. All I remember is how much I was shuffled around from babysitter to babysitter, hardly ever being able to be around my family.
"Ahhh.." she says. Having a family member who is ill and feeling emotional neglect is two of the huge conditions someone would experience in an Adverse Childhood Experience. Although I may not have felt the emotional neglect, especially that young, being passed around from babysitter to babysitter and being around my family very little is a potential subconscious emotional neglect.
Going through this at my age made me extremely independent.  I even potty-trained myself! Now, I am still extremely independent, but I hurt inside, a lot.  I hurt inside when I feel like I need to ask for help, when I do not get things done, or if I do not feel proud of yourself.  See how something that happened to me in my childhood has effected me so much today? Along with feelings I have, I also have depression. One of the things that is examined in ACE Study.

This article explains the ACE Study a lot... give it a read, it is very interesting