Thursday, November 17, 2016


I feel as if I was reborn after this past weekend.  Not only do I feel more like myself than ever, but I found the drive to do things again.  I haven't had motivation like this in a longggg time. Some people may say Tony Robbins seminars are a scam, but I believe they are what you put into them, and I took A LOT out of the Unleash the Power Within seminar I went to!!

One of my biggest take-a-ways from this was the power of your mind.  What you focus on really makes a difference in life.  For example, for the last 7 months, I have focused on the fact that I had a career ending concussion.  I focused on how much this concussion limited my life, caused pain mentally and physically, and sunk me into a deep depression.  Because this was my sole focus in life, I was consumed by it that I was 'being' it.  I had no chance to get better from my concussion because that was all I thought about.  It is amazing how redirecting your focus can make you feel so much better.  I was told I am not aloud to be in loud environments, jump or do anything with high intensity. Well guess what, at UPW I sang on the top of my lungs with 10,500 other people, jumped up and down thousands of times a day (no joke, my fitbit can even prove it), danced like no one was watching, and had NO HEADACHES. On top of no headaches, I wasn't dizzy, sad, lightheaded or even experiencing vertigo.  Why do you think this is? It was simply because I didn't focus on my concussion all weekend, my focus was what Tony Robbins was teaching us, and how I can implement those teachings into my life.

So what do I plan on doing from this day forward? I plan to focus on the things I want to improve.
I am constantly going to focus on the fact that I am beautiful, because dammit I am!!!!! I am also going to focus on being healthy and becoming MORE healthy (see how I am keeping this all positive). Lately, I am going to focus on growing my essential oil business and being a good person overall.  Nope, none of these focuses have anything to do with a concussion, so see ya never concussion symptoms!!!!


  1. That's my Brooke!!! And reading that is a great reminder personally! I've been in a little rut myself so thank you!

  2. It is always amazing to see just how real the concept of mind over matter is. We tend to dwell on the things that are affecting us and this allows them to continue to affect our lives. Finding a way to change that focus onto something else is a great way to move on. Awesome job finding a way to re-focus yourself and work towards healing!
